We Really Need Some Summertime Love!
much every DJ these days is having a crack at making a mashup. It's a
way for a DJ to demonstrate their talent and ability, and their
control of their equipment.
issue that I have is that there are lots of mashups that are
basically clones of each other, or simply that the same songs are
being used over again, and that the resulting mashup shows no real
inspiration. If the mashup doesn't grab me within the first few
seconds, It's usually a case of, yep....., next!
do like to follow certain mashup djs, such as Djs from Mars,
Colatron, Lobsterdust, etc. But I really enjoy finding those hidden
gems. When a DJ isn't well known, or changes their style or simply
gets an idea one day over a coffee. I enjoy it when I hear something
done differently.
latest offering from the house of Colatron is 'Beginning Over' a
subtle blend of Daniel Rosenfeld, Tycho and the wonderful Portishead.
He classes this as a homage to death and rebirth, hinting at a
course change for the entity of sound and light. No video for
youtube, and there may not be one. Colatron is currently looking for
inspiraton, possibly venturing into unfamiliar territory or even a
complete change of style. His recent works have been very grown-up,
professional, but with a dark, or sometimes melancholy edge, but
always a work of genius with a hefty heartfelt emotion. These traits
have earned him the respect of the mashup community internationally.
His achievements and accomplishments are many and varied. In 2010, I
wrote on this blog about E.V.P. in my mind his greatest work. Take a
look if you have the time, you will find links to Colatrons work
there. If you would like to contact him, you can find him on twitter
and facebook.
for today, DJ Axcess. When thinking of time served mashup artists,
one that will always spring to mind, is DJ Axcess, formerly known as
DJ Mouse, real name Christian Gutsch of Germany
mashups are, quite simply, an absolute pleasure to listen to. He
conveys a professional clarity, a purity if you will, in his music,
and if you go over to his website, you can listen to his tracks on
the sites player.
doesn't kill you makes you whistle (Kelly Clarkson vs. Flo-Rida)
Mashup, found on the site and on soundcloud, is a perfect example.
Very clear and precise, and totally flawless.
Radioactive (Eagles Vs. Imagine Dragons) is a beautiful example of
how to mashup the eagles, very pleasant on the ears, and making the
most of the tracks awesome guitars http://vimeo.com/91323999
latest offering from the Axcess of Music is "California Wings"
a new mashup featuring (Birdy vs. Rihanna)
Axcess currently holds positions 1,3 & 6 in the mashup charts
recently promoted LauraBmashups roaring applause, the Katy Perry
found another mashup of roar worth a mention, pop over to youtube or
soundcloud for a listen to Candy Roar by cut and paste, where they
have mashed Katy's roar track with Robbie Williams Candy. It's
actually pretty good, what my mum would call a 'toetapper'
who caught my attention very recently was Voicedude, who has recently
released a couple of tracks.
Firstly we have 'Bossa Nova Nights - Elvis Presley Vs. F.U.N.' a mix of Elvis Presley - "Bossa Nova Baby" [Viva Elvis RMX] vs F.U.N. - "Some Nights"
one works really well, I could imagine this one performed live or in
an Elvis Movie.
one I really want to give a mention to though is 'Laid
Back Chainsmokers - Laid Back Vs. Chainsmokers + Sugarhill Gang Vs.
Aloe Blacc'
really don't like #Selfie
by The Chainsmokers, I actually prefer Erase,
amazingly talented and beautiful Priyanka
Chopra (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG7i_rF2u34).
Voicedude has come up with a brilliant mashup that blends #selfie
with the Sugarhill
Gang's Apache,
Aloe Blacc's Wake Me Up, and the Laid Back track White Horse, a track that has been sampled by the likes of Justin Timberlake and the Black-eyed-peas. I always remember the cross-eyed girl in the video. If anyone knows who she was, leave me a message on twitter, cheers!
Aloe Blacc's Wake Me Up, and the Laid Back track White Horse, a track that has been sampled by the likes of Justin Timberlake and the Black-eyed-peas. I always remember the cross-eyed girl in the video. If anyone knows who she was, leave me a message on twitter, cheers!
Remember To Forget The Nightventure (DJ Score Mashup)
is a track from DJScore that I came across about a month ago.
found this progressive house track after listening to the parody by
the key of awesome and just went hunting. I'm a big fan of Shakira,
love her voice, and of course she is incredibly beautiful, and so
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3mP3mJDL2k
of Awesome - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3wFwYBPvYu8
The voices for the key of awesome parody are both performed by
Owens (@tatianaowens)
should make a mention here that I have finally managed to get Hot
Velocity Cold Shift - MeadVice Combo onto youtube without any crap
about copyright. I made this new video from fractal art clips from
the Internet Archive, many thanks to Electronic Sheep for that. The
original video can be found over at Vimeo.
on Dailymotion - http://www.dailymotion.com/MeadViceMashups
on Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/user14706990
on soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user1802947
on Mashupciti -
on Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/117984656564485388216/posts
on twitter
- @MeadViceMashups
time to wrap this up, so
I'm going to finish with some info. The Djs from Mars, to answer
those who asked, have indeed got more than one channel on youtube.
You will find that most people have multiple channels, especially
music producers.
Djs From Mars - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFTka-4aYpo2H_WTcDCoJg
Djs From Mars - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKFTka-4aYpo2H_WTcDCoJg
are the ones I've found. Might as well give you a couple of links
while I'm here.
track, Zedd
vs Pendulum vs Showtek - Stay The Night Vs Tarantula Vs Booyah (Djs
From Mars Bootleg)
one I'm really enjoying at the moment, both track and awesome video Skrillex
& Damian Marley vs Dvbbs & Borgeous - Make it Tsun Dem (Djs
From Mars Radiocut Bootleg)
download, plug in your headphones, and create your own reality. I'll
see you real soon
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